Sunday, September 25, 2011


Hi, my name is Nick Gagnet and I am originally from Toledo, Ohio. I moved to Columbus during elementary school and have been here ever since. I hope to travel more in the future because I have never really been out of the country. I went to High School at Metro High School where I took post secondary at Ohio State my senior year. I am currently undecided in my major, but I am leaning towards either Marketing or Psychology. I hope to meet new friends and experience different things at Ohio State. Outside of school, I truly love my group of friends and spending time with them. I am involved in Xenos Christian Fellowship and live with 11 other guys in a house that all go to the same bible study at houses on campus. Other than that, I enjoy watching movies, playing sports, and reading. One thing I wish I was better at is writing and just being more creative in general, so I am looking forward to seeing what this class brings me.

1 comment:

  1. Nick,
    Sorry for not commenting sooner on your blog but thanks for sharing your story. Traveling is a lot of fun, especially in college. Once you declare a major look into the study abroad programs they have. I got to spend a month in Europe as a senior and it was amazing.
    Thanks for being in class,
