Sunday, October 9, 2011

Walk to Class Explaination

Map of getting to class
My walk to class starts with my making my way down Olentangy St. towards the bus stop by the Giant Eagle at the end of the street. On this leg of my journey, I always get some personal thought time about what's going on in more of a big picture sense. When I get on the bus and go down High St, I usually end up then focusing on school and my objectives with that. I always notice the restaurant Tajmahal on the bus ride, along with the Donatos Pizza on the corner. After I get off of the bus, I walk the rest of the way to class. I normally think about all of the people I see on the way to class. I either try to gauge where they are heading or what they're going to do next. This is what most of my thought life consists of until I actually walk into the classroom. 
When making the map of my walk to class, I decided to first start with the basics of taking the actual route to the classroom I take. I added in the locations and places I usually notice on either my walk or ride there. I added in the texts of my thought processes on the way throughout the trip. I tried to experiment with blending the modes of transportation into the background on the map, but it didn't really look too good. A lot of my time was spent grouping the different layers together on the map and rotating everything to keep it on track with the route.

1 comment:

  1. I really thought your notion of how your space changes as you move through space is interesting. Good explanation of your working process too.
